Music and Nature on the Ricardo “Rick” Vargas Southfield Blog

Today, on the Ricardo (Rick) Vargas Southfield blog, I am writing about music and nature. Nature and Music Nature can influence the music that is made, which might be surprising to you. You may ask “how in the world can nature influence music?”. Not only can nature influence music, but so can current events in …

Music and its Effect on Your Day on the Ricardo (Rick) Vargas Southfield Blog

Today I write about music and its effect on one’s mood. I’ve written about music’s effect on your life here:, but what about the effect it can just have on your one day? Music can have such a powerful effect on your day. You could wake up cranky and have to drive to work. …

Music and Happiness on the Ricardo Vargas Southfield Blog

Today, on the Ricardo Vargas Southfield blog, I want to discuss music and its effect on happiness. Music gives me energy and it makes me feel motivated for the events of the day. I put music on to energize me and get me excited and pumped up for whatever I have going on. I could …

Music and Life on the Ricardo Vargas Southfield Blog

Today, on the Ricardo Vargas Southfield blog, I write about music and its effect on life. I consider the music I write to be a soundtrack to my life. We all have ups and downs. We all have good days and bad days. We all have moments we want to remember. There are so many …

Creating Good Music on the Ricardo Vargas Southfield blog

Creating Good Music Today on the Ricardo Vargas Southfield blog, I write about how to create good music. Creating good music is not easy. It is a process. And it can be a very long process at that. Trying to find the right inspiration to write the perfect song and come up with a great …

Music and Influence on the Ricardo Vargas Southfield blog

Today, on the Ricardo Vargas Southfield blog, I write about music and its effect on influence. Music is used in advertising, in stores, in medical offices, and other places to continuously evoke a feeling. Music influences us to buy certain items, to feel a certain way, and help us feel emotionally invested in something. Whatever …

Music and Motivation on the Ricardo Vargas Southfield blog

Today, on the Ricardo Vargas Southfield blog, I am going to write about music and motivation. When I compose music, I want it to evoke a feeling – whether it be an emotion (future blog post on music and emotion will be coming soon!) or simply feeling something. What that something is, is up to …