Today on the Ricardo “Rick” Vargas Southfield blog, I write about genres of music. I also write about creating good music here:
When you think of all of the different genres of music that exist, the list is as long as you can make it. These days there are so many genres coming together to make a new genre that one can almost bring any two musical thoughts together and call it something new.
A musical genre is defined as a conventional category that identifies some pieces of music as belonging to a shared tradition or set of conventions, according to this page on Wikipedia:
So when I read this definition and see that it refers to pieces of music that belong to a set of conventions, my first thought it I can create, or anyone can create, their own conventions that a piece of music could belong to. Whatever you want those conventions to be, they can be. It can be rock and pop; it can be classical and country; it could be hip-hop and techno. You can create a new name for that genre. It doesn’t matter – you can make it your own.
How can I apply this to my music?
Whenever you are creating music, do not put yourself in a musical genre. I know when I make music, I float among so many different music genres I feel like I could have my own category. When you apply a certain genre to the music you create, it can hold your creativity back because you think you have to conform to one genre. If you leave it open, and just think – I am only creating music. Who knows what the end result will be? It will leave you open to so much more creativity that you know is possible.
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