Today, on the Ricardo Vargas Southfield blog, I am going to write about music and motivation.
When I compose music, I want it to evoke a feeling – whether it be an emotion (future blog post on music and emotion will be coming soon!) or simply feeling something. What that something is, is up to the person listening to the music. You can make what you want of it. I never want my music to tell you how to feel. We are all in our own moments and will feel what we want to feel.
However, motivation is a different feeling. Music can motivate you to exercise, to do housework, to energize yourself for whatever is coming at you on any given day.
When I was in college, I did a psychology project using music and motivation. I had students complete a very boring task, involving moving washers around a board. Some students had music playing during this task, other students (the control group) had no music playing -only their thoughts. Can you guess which students completed the task quicker? You are right – the ones who had the music playing. The particular song I had selected had a strong beat, a powerful melody, and loud instruments. It was not a soft song, where one could feel relaxed. This particular song pushed everyone forward and gave them energy and motivation to complete the task at hand. Without the music, the task was very dull and it was not completed quickly.
The next time you need to complete a task that seems mundane or one where you have no motivation to complete, turn on a song. You will be surprised and amazed the amount of energy the right song at the right time can give you.
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